Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Copenhagen Wheel

pictures of Copenhagen Wheel, image of Copenhagen Wheel, photo of Copenhagen Wheel
Copenhagen Wheel
Copenhagen Wheel - : Debuting at the biggest climate change conference since Kyoto, its Copenhagen Wheel is a mixture of established technologies with the ambition to make us all a little bit greener and a little bit more smartphone-dependent.
RSS For Gadgets MIT's Copenhagen Wheel Turns Your Bike Into A: They say don't reinvent the wheel, but we're guessing that the boffins at MIT...
MIT Develops Copenhagen Wheel(Ubergizmo) TechNews.AM: A new design wants to give your bike the abilities of a hybrid car, a frequent-flyer program, a gym and a networked navigation device, all by simply swapping out the back wheel. The Copenhagen Wheel bolts on to any bike and adds a slew
The Copenhagen Wheel, A Self-Powering, Internet Connected Bike Hub: With all the global focus surrounding the city of Copenhagen as all the world leaders meet this week, a fitting design has welcomed them. The researchers at.


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